If you're reading this, you are probably wondering why I am posting today given that it Sunday and all. The kids went to stay at their Nana's last night and the (much needed catch up) 12 hour sleep I had is definitely a factor. It's amazing what a good night's sleep can do for the motivation levels. Either that or I'm anticipating missing a post next week with it being school holidays, and have other posts booked in for Monday and Tuesday. More than anything though, it's that I came across this gorgeous home on Fantastic Frank and I just have to share.

The light-filled home has a pink theme throughout that is ever so pretty. I especially love the beautiful vintage armchair which has been brought back to life by the super talented Mimmistaaf who styled the shoot. The stunning Pink Stairs artwork is by Annaleena.

Images via Fantastic Frank
This looks so perfect! I wonder how to live in such bright interiors in real life tho :)