I recently visited a friend who is renovating, and seeing her kitchen in progress inspired today's post. Located in a beautiful big villa with high studs, wooden floorboards, and freshly painted white walls, the kitchen has been given new life with expansive black cabinetry, and it looks amazing. Visually striking, the black finish also creates a beautifully sleek and timeless look. Since then she has installed stainless steel benchtops and a marble tiled splashback. I can't wait to see an update! A classic combination, the addition of marble softens the overall look of black and stainless steel, while adding further texture.

I couldn't do a black themed kitchen post without including one of the incredible designs by Danish brand Vipp. Their signature powder-coated black workbenches and narrow (4mm) stainless steel bench tops provide timeless functionality and an industrial edge.

Warm wood goes hand in hand with black kitchens. Wooden stools are a great choice for an island, while smaller accessories such as cutting boards and trays also work well. Pop in a few metallics for added texture and warmth. I love the brass touches in the kitchen below, including the tap mixer, glasses tray and pendant light.

Here are a couple more favourites. The first is featured in the Monochrome Home book that I'm currently reading, but you can also see more here. The second is by Danish kitchen specialists Kivk.

Kitchen by Kvik
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