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Interior Styling | Clean + Green for the New Year


It can feel a bit sad taking down the Christmas tree and decorations, but I loved clearing the space this time around. Giving the entire upper floor of our home a thorough clean and de-clutter at the same time, including my office, I felt ready to dive into work and kick-start the year. With the sad demise of a few indoor plants over these warmer months, I am however keen to replace them or try some new varieties. I popped into Indie Home Collective on the way home from a meeting today to pick up a few simple leaves. They always have a great supply, and the Palm and Monstera ones I chose have a lovely summer vibe. It's such an easy and inexpensive way to add some greenery around the home. I'm also looking for inspiration on the web and thought I'd share some of my finds. All featuring plants, I love the monochrome palettes and simple relaxed Scandi-styling of these interiors. 

Images: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8

Happy Friday!

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