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The New Metz A/S Showroom by Kristina Dam Studio


Known for clean, beautiful design and sculptural minimalism with an edge, Kristina Dam Studio produces two inspiring collections every year. Founded by graphic designer and architect Kristina Dam, whose work I have featured numerous times, the studio collaborates with talented upcoming and established designers. In addition to producing furniture, prints, lamps, sculptures and accessories, the studio also work on interior design projects, with their latest being the transformation of a run down warehouse into a state-of-the-art showroom for Danish brand Metz A/S.

Enlisted to direct and manage the entire project, Kristina was involved in every aspect from the actual construction and employment of workers to the interior design and the final styling of the showroom.  An incredible feat, considering the interior is a massive 850 square metres in size! Custom made features include special made podiums for the displaying of goods, mobile and sound absorbing walls used as room dividers, and a special made glass partition. Completing the project with the styling of three trend zones, Kristina has created beautiful spaces that are both contemporary and elegant.   

Photography by Metz A/S & Anitta Behrendt

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