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A Touch of Green


If you follow me on Pinterest and Facebook you would've picked up on my admiration for the latest Lighting Designs by One Nordic. Included in the new collection, the stunning Vinkel Mirror has also stolen my heart. Its clever design features angled mirror halves, producing a unique double room perspective. I love the two Vinkel Mirrors placed side by side below. The way they reflect the plants is incredibly effective in creating a beautiful style of wall art. 

Showing once again how great a touch of greenery looks when added to bright white interiors, while we can't all own one of these mirrors, bringing a bit of the outside in is easy.  I picked up a selection of simple leaves from Indie Home Collective some time ago, and I can't believe how long they have lasted. My Instagram pic of our living room below shows my favourite variety right now, the tropical plant leaves.

These next images feature bright white kitchens that have been further livened up with plants.

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A welcome addition to any room of the home, if you're unsure where to start I recommend picking up some small, inexpensive house plants and building from there.

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While my indoor plant collection is slowly growing, an olive tree is still on the wishlist.

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