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TDC Style Launch


For those of you who've been following my progress with TDC Style, I'm happy to report that the page is now live on the blog! For those just joining in, I've been working on launching an in-home and online styling service, with a peek here and there along the way. 

The page is accessible from the drop down menu panel at the top of the blog under Styling, or you can take a look here. I'd love to hear your feedback, and of course if you have any questions or would like a price list, please get in touch. 

You'll also find me over on the blog Eclectic Trends today, where I was honoured to have contributed to the October issue of What Do Bloggers Collect? The blog's author Gudy Herder has been an inspiration to me ever since I first discovered her blog and saw this video of her at work, styling a interior shoot. Based in Barcelona, Gudy's work as a stylist and international visual merchandiser takes her around the world. Reporting back on her travels and inspiring finds along the way, I am constantly in awe, and a tad envious!! 

Can you guess what I chose to share? Pop over here to see, alongside three other fabulous bloggers in this issue, and be sure to follow Eclectic Trends and the series. It's fascinating seeing what other bloggers collect!

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  1. Isn't Gudy just completely amazing? I met her recently in Amsterdam and she is so sweet!

    1. She really is.... that must have been so nice to meet in person! x

  2. Hi Michelle, I totally loved your image! And I have to say you are getting together a most interesting collection. A visual feast for Scandi lovers! And finally I know where the 'cat' is from:-)

  3. Sorry, hit the publish button too early: and the new service looks terrific! Congrats for the launch and big luck, Michelle!

    1. Oh, thanks Gudy! I'm still buzzing from being on your gorgeous blog!! Stay in touch x x

  4. Congrats Michelle. Deal & I absolutely love the interior work we're doing with Bibby + Brady, so I'm sure you'll love your TDC business just as much x

    1. Thanks Vic, so glad to hear that. I'm very excited x

  5. Congratulations, what a great news! I have totally missed it... ( I know, I have had a way too little time for blogging and reading my fav blogs lately)

    1. Thanks Anu. That's to be expected - you've been busy!! I hope you are enjoying motherhood x

    2. oh yes, I'm enjoying it very much! :)

  6. Oh I love Eclectic Trends and Gudy is the most lovely person! It was so nice to see you over there Michelle. I had a look at your new page the other day, it looks great. Wishing you the HUGEST success for it Michelle! M xx

    1. Gudy is a gem alright! Thank you so much Mel! x



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