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Guest Post for Superette


If you've been following the blog for a while you would've noticed my total devotion to local fashion and lifestyle boutique Superette. When they got in touch recently to see if I'd like to guest post over on their blog, I jumped at the chance! 

Pop over here to read my post, where you can find out more about my 'must haves' above, from their Home collection, and some of my most inspiring pins of late. 

I'll also be sharing my interview with the founders of Superette on the blog soon, so stay tuned for that! 

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  1. I'm a big fan of Superette too Michelle, I visited their Wellington store recently. It's always great when you have two of my biggest passions together - homewares and fashion. Have a great w/end x

  2. I'll pop over this weekend to have a read! Love Superette, great concept shop and an interesting duo so look forward to reading the interview x



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