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Minti | Summer 2013-2014 Sneak Peek


If you're a design-savvy parent of little people, chances are you'll be familiar with Minti. Quite possibly one of the coolest kids clothing range ever, and a firm favourite of mine, I first introduced you to the Melbourne-based brand in this post

One of my lovely Facebook followers got in touch the other night asking if I had a sneak peak of new Summer 2013-2014 range, as pre-orders were due to be taken from today. Her excitement was palpable, and she's not alone. Jumping onto the Minti Facebook page it was obvious from the comments that parents everywhere have been desperate to get a glimpse, and the clever team behind Minti know only too well, even setting an exact day and time when all would be revealed! That was this morning, and as always the designs are awesome. Here are my picks. 

Due in-store mid-August, see the full Summer range, including cute-as-a-button babywear here. For pre-orders, find your local online stockist here

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  1. So cute, my kids will love it all. In fact there are a couple of pieces that I'd quite like myself :) x



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