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Through the Lens | J. Ingerstedt


You know you've been blogging for a while when you have to go back and check that you're not repeating yourself. Photographer Jonas Ingerstedt had me second-guessing. Not because his work is unforgettable - far from it - but because I've been admiring it for some time and find it hard to believe I haven't yet written about his talents here on the blog.

Based in Stockholm, Jonas is an advertising photographer with 30 years experience working in fashion, beauty and lifestyle photography. His portfolio showcases an impressive collection of work in interiors, which I'm happy to report is his specialty. Working with top interior publications and brands both in Sweden and internationally, Jonas believes that natural light and simple, smart solutions create the image. Clearly a winning formula it may sound straight-forward, but anyone who has tried their hand at interior photography will tell you it is anything but. There is a lot of skill involved, and judging by these photos, Jonas has it by the bucket load.

White and bright softened with pastel touches, Jonas has captured the light beautifully in the images above.

Showing more contrast and depth, the clarity of these images is incredible. I love how the bright greenery pops against the darker colours.

I particularly love the grey home above, which features a lovely mix of concrete and wood. His most recent project, Jonas shot the beautifully minimalist home for Elle Deco Sweden. Check out the full house tour and more of his other work here.  

Before I go, I must announce the 5 winners of the One Hundred Percent Heart Wall Sticker Giveaway. Congratulations to Chloe Steel, Jane Murray, Victoria Barnes, Ruth Morse and Eliza Judd! Each will be receiving a pack of wall stickers of their choice. Thanks to everyone who entered and huge thanks to One Hundred Percent Heart for the prizes. 

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