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DIY Inspiration | MyDubio


I recently discovered the blog MyDubio, written by Joyce Croonen, a lovely young Dutch psychologist, who loves to share her passion for interior design, fashion and photography. She juggles blogging alongside her consultancy job, running her business, and writing a book, admitting to being more of a "workaholic and computer addict than a let’s-party-and-sleep-all-day kinda girl." Well good for her, I say! Especially with all the cool content she posts on her blog, including an impressive line up of DIY projects. If you love a clean, monochrome Scandi-style but struggle to find (or afford) homewares that you love, then you should follow along. You're bound to pick up some great ideas to help add those finishing touches to your home.

First up, I want to show you Joyce's walk in wardrobe. I have to admit that since moving into our new home, and unpacking the wardrobe, I haven't done very much at all to our walk-in, but this has inspired me! I'm adding it to my bookmarks, along with my Wardrobe Inspiration post I wrote earlier this year.

As much as I try to colour code my clothes, they always end up getting mixed up. This is perfection! I also love the Small Talk Print, marble paper covered storage boxes (see the DIY below), vintage industrial cabinet and hanging light cluster (also a DIY, seen here).

Simple and affordable, Joyce made this Magazine Holder from a rack that she bought for €10 from Gamma, a Dutch home improvement retailer. 

Any mention of diamond-inspired homewares gets me excited, and these Clay Diamonds that Joyce made are awesome! See how to make them here.

Being that marble is another one of my obsessions, I've been lapping up all of the marble objects Joyce has cleverly created. Perfect for the home office or wardrobe (as shown above) these Marble Boxes are so easy to make. The DIY Marble Cage Lamp is another favourite. 

These DIY Coasters would definitely come in handy over the festive season. 

I think Joyce needs to make and sell these Painted Ombre Candles. I'd be her first customer! For her DIY on how to make your own candles, take a look hereThe second image shows the Ombre Candles alongside her DIY Concrete Pyramid and Thrift-shop side table that she partly painted white.

For more of this DIY goodness, as well as interior design and fashion inspo, sign up to MyDubio on Bloglovin. I also recommend following Joyce on Instagram.

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  1. Thanks for sharing this great blog. Going straight over there to see more eye candy!!!

  2. I love that wardrobe with the vintage files - gorgeous! I'm like you with the best intentions but when you open my wardrobe it's needing a little TLC. Perhaps we can blame the busy lifestyles. I'll check the blog out thanks for the intro.. M xx

  3. dying to know where she got her nightstand from!



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