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Kitchens | Ideas to Love


The kitchen is undoubtedly one of the most important areas of the home. Even if you're like me and your culinary skills are fairly limited, it's still a place you spend a lot of time, preparing and possibly eating meals, making what seems like endless kids lunches and more often than not, congregating with visitors and family. So today I thought I'd put together some kitchen eye-candy for you and a few ideas and tips on the side. Enjoy!



White walls and cabinetry together with pale wood flooring provide a fresh, modern canvas for the kitchen. The splashback is a great place to add colour and texture. I love the subway tile and stainless steel options used in the kitchens above. 


As much as I love white kitchens, I think black can look amazing and can create a real focal point in the home. The first kitchen above is so slick. Everything is kept out of sight, to best show off the clean and sophisticated lines. I also love the second kitchen with its chunky worktops, concrete and wood. 

Bar Stools

Kitchen islands are great in that they encourage interaction between both sides; whoever is working in the kitchen and guests or family members. They also provide a place for informal dining and for the kids to do their homework, so choosing the right bar stools is important. Height, comfort and aesthetics all come in to play, depending on what your preferences are. 

The kitchens above are all very different, but equally stunning. I love the use of wood in the first kitchen and the simple stools are a perfect fit. The second kitchen, which I spotted a while back in Living etc, has a great design. The colourful mix of Tolix chairs and stools work beautifully in this family home. I'm also a big fan of concrete to which the white stools provide a really nice contrast in the last kitchen.

Pendant Lights

Pendant lights work well over kitchen islands because they illuminate work areas and provide a focal point. I really love both the lights and low level at which they are hung in the first kitchen. The grey kitchen is also a favourite, with its simple yet effective lights.  


You know me, any excuse for yellow or pink! Both these kitchens are fun. I especially like the details in the second, with the open shelving and pretty crockery. 

If you've found these kitchens inspiring let me know as I have plenty more favourites to share! 

All images: source

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  1. Love the kitchens. I'm especially fond of the Tolix chairs and tools kitchen. Great family space.



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