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Lovedales Studio


I hope you all had a lovely weekend.  Sorry for not stopping by on Friday. I had to put the blog to one side over the last few days to focus on a new project, which I'm really excited about. I'll let you know about that soon, but for today I'm thrilled to be sharing a new online art discovery all the way from Scandinavia.

Lovedales Studio is a graphic design and illustration company and the brainchild of Hanne Løvdal, a talented designer based in Norway. I'm so happy that Hanne tracked me down via Instagram, because one look at her work and my heart was singing, loudly!

Hanne shares my passion for magazines, and has an extensive background working in the area of graphic and editorial design, including 14 years at Egmont Hjemmet Mortensen, the largest magazine publishing house in Norway. Most recently her role was as Art Director for two magazines, which she held for almost 9 years. Needless to say, quitting her job in the Spring of 2013 to start her own business was a brave step, but one that has allowed her to focus on her passion for drawing. She also works with commercial clients on design, advertorials and logo design.

I really love Hanne's aesthetic, her use of water colours and the soft palettes she works with. I think these artworks would fit well in any beautiful interior, especially those that are Scandinavian in style. The great news is, Lovedales Studio ships worldwide. Choosing which one to buy, not so easy! See the full range and shop online here. For commissions, contact Hanne direct, and to stay in the loop, follow Lovedales on Instagram and Facebook.

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