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Kristina Dam Studio


I've been admiring the work of Copenhagen-based designer Kristina Dam for some time. A trained graphic designer who studied at the Royal Danish Academy of Architecture, it is easy to see how these two disciplines have shaped Kristina's design aesthetic. Inspired by the graphic world of layouts and typography and driven by a love of architecture, she set up the Kristina Dam Studio in 2011 and has since launched an interiors brand. The incredible range includes tables, sculptures, illustrations, wall structures and bedcovers.

Bold and graphic, there are so many pieces here that I'm coveting, in particular the Diamond Sculpture and Candlesticks. I also love the strong, clean lines of the Architectural Illustrations

Take a look at the full range of products over on the Webshop, which offers worldwide shipping. 

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  1. I love her designs! :D They also got her posters at Illums in Oslo :)



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