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My Instagram Tips for Viva


I mentioned last week that I had been interviewed by the NZ Herald online regarding a series they were doing on Instagram for small business. If you missed it and would like some tips on how to use Instagram as a powerful marketing tool and to grow your following, take a look here. Coincidentally around the same time I was approached by Viva, the NZ magazine that comes out with the NZ Herald every Wednesday. They too wanted to interview me for their online edition and I was excited to see that it went live today. 

While both interviews include my top tips for Instagram, each one is from a slightly different angle. In both I touch on topics such as frequency of posting and recommended apps, but with Viva I also talk about some different aspects such as why Instagram is important to me, how to take a good flatlay, and who are some of my favourite instgrammers. All really practical advice that I hope you will find helpful! To read the interview, pop over here.

Even though my last Instagram post was only a week or so ago, it seemed fitting to include a few recent pics today! 

Styling and photography by Michelle Halford for The Design Chaser Instagram (@thedesignchaser)

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